Thursday 26 September 2019

Tiba-tiba rasa sebak pulak..

Despite my clean run of never crying because of KPT issue.

Today, I feel sad.

To be honest, I didn't feel this way when I read the reply email from them, declining my application again. Yes, I was sad that the email said their decision is final. But I did not feel defeated.
But now, after speaking to UMS, walking to Goodwin only to find there were too many people that I could not ask the officer then and there, and having Mas getting back to me giving me a tease of yesterday's hope (kindly provided me a contact number which, am not sure would be of much use anymore), now I feel sad.

I felt sad when this thought came to my mind..

'If someone can just give me 10K that would already be great..'

Ah. Such is life.

How did it get to this. When life's happiness and gleefullness depends on money.

But is money really everything?

Yes we can do so much with it but is it really something that should dictate whether we are happy or not?

Why has money taken a strong hold on my life?

If I had money, would I be happier?

Pada kita, manusia biasa yang ada very limited knowledge on the hikmah of everything, this feels really tough. A real blow. Really drags down the mood.

'Disebabkan kekurangan GBP 29,500 dan tiada elaun sara hidup maka sedihlah hidupnya'


In these trying times, this is when I have to remember the most;

Rahmat Allah tu luas.

Luas sangat.

Kalau Allah nak bagi you duit, berapa you nak, petik jari boleh dapat.

Tapi, in some cases and for some people, it is not as easy.

Allah tahan dulu. Allah Maha Mengetahui. Tak ada suatu pun yang terlepas dari pandangan dia. Dia Maha Berkuasa.

Cuba refleksi diri...muhasabah diri...tengok mana yang kurang, mana yang masih tak betul. Cuba perbetulkan. Cuba perbaiki diri. Because at the end of the day, the only thing I have control of is myself. Tu pun not entirely.


I suppose the rejections have finally got to me.

Regardless, I will hang on to this, something from arwah Mas Afzal which has stuck with me since the first time I saw it:

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